Monday, March 24, 2008

Matt Morris: The Decision You Make Today Will Determine Where You Will Be Three To Five Years From Now

Matt was sitting in a business class at the University of Texas and was listening to his professor lecturing: "If you want a good job, you need a degree. But if you really want to move up the corporate ladder, you need master's degree or even better, a Ph.D." The young Matt instantly realized that he had absolutely no intention whatsoever to walk his career working under someone else. He decided to venture entepreneurship path.

His journey was difficult at first. After one and a half year in network marketing, he only enrolled three people, two of whom he paid for himself. Three failures in three network marketing companies forced him to ends miserably. He later pick an ad for a company that offered a travelling salesman position selling above-ground swimming pools. He was so broke and couldn't pay for the minimum credit cards payments, so he took the job that landed him in Southern Louisiana.

He could not afford to stay in motel, so he bathed at gas station and slept in his little Honda Civic five ti six nights a week. He is about 2 meters tall and definitely did not fot comfortably in the car. It was his lowest point in his life, he desperately looking for a way to get out of this situation.

One night, he listened to a tape that told a story of a man with average income to $1 million a year. This man attributed himself to two things: first, immersing himself in the personal development industry; and second, finding others who had achieved massive success, modelling them and creating the same results. Matt then made a committment to do the same. He started to read personal development books eight hours a day, spent every spare minute devouring audio programs and basically moved himself from bookstores to bookstores.

Four years later, he stands at the top of a network marketing company, travelling around the world and earning a high-six-figure income. His philosophy is: "If you invest in your mind, you'll always get the biggest returns." His founding of Success University sparked from his passion in personal development. "Every long-standing network marketing company for the last 50 years has been built on the shoulders of personal development," Matt said. "It made sesnse to me to create a network marketing company with personal development as the product, because it's something that almost every leader has promoted without earning ad income from it."

Reyn Aria
Success University
Best Home Based Business Opportunities

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